Melody #A
Psalm 100:4, 118:24 Composer Unknown
A. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.
I will enter His courts with praise.
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
He has made me glad, He has made me glad.
I will rejoice for He has made me gla-a-d.
He has made me glad. He has made me glad.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

Melody #B
by: Michael W. Smith
B. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, we praise Your name. O Lord, we magnify Your name:
Prince of Peace, mighty God; O Lord God Almighty.

Melody #C
by: Doris Akers
C. There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place,
And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord.
There are sweet expressions on each face,
and I know that it's the presence of the Lord.

CH. Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet Heav'nly Dove.
Stay right here with us, filling us with your love.
And for these blessings, we lift our hearts in praise.
Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived,
When we shall leave this place.

Melody #D
by: Aaron Tomes
D. Jesus, how I love You! Jesus, how I love You!
For Your goodness and Your grace, for Your presence in this place.
Jesus, how I love You! How I love You!

Jesus, how I thank You! Jesus, how I thank You!
For Your goodness and Your grace, for Your presence in this place.
Jesus, how I thank You! How I thank You!

Jesus, how I praise You! Jesus, how I praise You!
For Your goodness and Your grace, for Your presence in this place.
Jesus, how I praise You! How I praise You!

Melody #E
by: Bruce McGrail
E. Draw me, draw me, draw me blessed Savior.
Into thy presence let me see Your face.
Draw me, draw me, draw me blessed Savior.
Lord, I can come to You by Your great grace.

Thou art worthy to receive my off'ring.
Fruit of my lips, O Lord, I bring to Thee.
Lord, I love You, I lift my heart before You.
Lord, may my spirit give its praise to Thee.

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